Jesus initiated a
conversation with a woman by asking her for a drink of water in John
Then, he skillfully
shifted that conversation from a thirst for water to that woman’s inner
Step by step Jesus
related perfectly timed truth in a friendly way.
Notice in John 4:18 that the turning point in the conversation occurred when the woman suddenly realized that
Jesus knew her, understood her
problem, and still cared.
If Jesus hadn’t
skillfully approached the subject, he would have probably failed in witnessing
like many of us do today.
What can we learn from this? Read John Chapter 4 and ask how did Jesus witness, and how do I need to do it differently?
1. He started a conversation by asking a question.
2. He overlooked differences.
3. He looked for a way to
4. He related spiritual truths
in a way that could be easily understood.
5. He refused to be judgmental.
6. He avoided argument.
7. He stayed on topic.
8. He remembered that sin is
only a symptom of not knowing Him.
9. He believed that His efforts
would be fruitful.
10. He adjusted His schedule to
build relationships with His new friend's friends.
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